What I Did This Weekend!

This weekend was definatly a good weekend! It was one of my best friends my friends birthdays (Roseanne) & as she lives in peterborough me & my other friend (Robyn) decided to go visit so heres what happened…..

Before we went out left to right- Me, Robyn, Sophie & Roseanne (It was her birthday)

I am wearing

Boob tube – H&M

Shorts – New Look

Neckalace & Earrings – Dorothy Perkins

Shoes – Dorothy Perkins

My besties! Left to right Robyn, Roseanne & Me.

Beleive it or not this wasn’t even the end of the night (fyi this was all Roseannes fault)

Oooo pretty shoes…

Because I rock & you know it…

& this is how I looked the following morning….I am so damn attractive lol, but it was definately worth it!


3 thoughts on “What I Did This Weekend!

  1. Pingback: Weekend Nails – Week 18 – Emerald Street « Confession's Of A Nail Polish Addict.

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