Beautiful Blogger Award…

Canary Fayre has been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

A big thank you to Brushes & Belle for nominating me 🙂

Here are the rules of the Beautiful Blogger Award:

• Thank the one who nominated you by linking back.

• Nominate five blogs.

• Let your nominees know by leaving a comment on their sites.

• Put up the award image on your site as a widget.

My 5 Nominations for the Beautiful Blogger Award are:


Am1e’s Nail Diary


Mixed Gems

Lace & Lacquer

 again another thank you to Brushes & Belle for nominating me & another big thank you to all my followers which have now creeped up to 57! woo & hoo come to mind anyways I should have my giveaway post up by sunday so make sure you don’t miss out!
