Colour Scheme Change (again) & new page.

Hallelujah I am back! I missed my laptop soooo much lol anyway I have a few posts lined up & a video uploading so heres just a little mini post as you can probably tell I’ve changed my colour scheme again lol, I tend to be a fickle person I absolutely love something one minute then the next I’m bored of it which is why this blog changes colours & looks so often. This is why I’ve decided to keep a log of how the blog changes over time, All the colour schemes will range around pinks, yellows & blues as the wordpress theme I’m using is called Dragon Fruit which has 3 themes in those colours.

I may go back to certain styles & colours from time to time but I like to change things to keep them fresh & interesting whenever the looks & colours change on the blog they will also change on Twitter & Youtube . feel free to let me know which have been your favourites, I’d love to find out :)…

Canary Fayre from the beginning….


This was the first design I had when I started this blog in April 2012. I liked the colours which is one of the main reasons this blog is named Canary Fayre because of the Canary yellow theme.


I currently have a thing for florals & bright colours so this background fit in well with that. I used this from around the end of May 2012.

Aswell as brights & florals I’m loving pastels and these big white & blue polka dots are so cute. This is my current theme which I started using on July 9th 2012.
