Colour Scheme Change (again) & new page.

Hallelujah I am back! I missed my laptop soooo much lol anyway I have a few posts lined up & a video uploading so heres just a little mini post as you can probably tell I’ve changed my colour scheme again lol, I tend to be a fickle person I absolutely love something one minute then the next I’m bored of it which is why this blog changes colours & looks so often. This is why I’ve decided to keep a log of how the blog changes over time, All the colour schemes will range around pinks, yellows & blues as the wordpress theme I’m using is called Dragon Fruit which has 3 themes in those colours.

I may go back to certain styles & colours from time to time but I like to change things to keep them fresh & interesting whenever the looks & colours change on the blog they will also change on Twitter & Youtube . feel free to let me know which have been your favourites, I’d love to find out :)…

Canary Fayre from the beginning….


This was the first design I had when I started this blog in April 2012. I liked the colours which is one of the main reasons this blog is named Canary Fayre because of the Canary yellow theme.


I currently have a thing for florals & bright colours so this background fit in well with that. I used this from around the end of May 2012.

Aswell as brights & florals I’m loving pastels and these big white & blue polka dots are so cute. This is my current theme which I started using on July 9th 2012.


I’ve Reached 50 Followers!


OMG so excited this is literally me…

(I plan to adopt this kid at some point)

Ok so I understand 50 followers is not that big of a deal but it totally freaking is to me! Especially since my blog is just over a month old (1month & 7days to be exact). I’m sooo gratefull to all my followers!

At this point my current follower numbers are

WordPress 51

Twitter 37

Facebook 11

Total 99! 

You can also follow me via…



Independent fashion bloggers

My giveaway post will be up within the next few days! This will be my first giveaway & I am sooo excited, I hope you all enter it will be an international giveaway!
