If I could have anything…

This is sort of like a tag so please feel free to do this on your blog etc just leave a link back. I just made this up really I was feeling a little down wishing I had more of this, less of that mainly want want want so I though i’d compile a list of what I want but what I’m thankful I’ve got.

If I Could Have Anything…

Id have hair like this…

I’d have eyes like this….

Id have skin like this…

I’d have a figure like this…

I’d have a house like this…

I’d drive a car like this…

I’d have a boyfriend like this…

Oh Jenson when will you be mine?

I’d have a job like this…

I’d have more of this…

I’d have less of this…

I’d have…

I’d live like this…

10 things I’m most thankful for…

1 My mum – Shes amazing I am so so so so lucky. She’s partial to the old wine & giving her too much can result in disaterous yet amusing conseqeunces e.g. Tenerife 2009 will never be forgotten,

2 My familyMy nan is a hoot & a half she’s at the age where she thinks she’s far too old to be beating about the bush so to speak & says things as she thinks them e.g. ‘Have you lost weight or is that a bigger jumper?’ or ‘Your hair looks nice have you brushed it?‘ luckily neither of these were said to me but I’m awaiting my appraisal & after nearly 5 years of me being with Josh she still insists on calling him Joss. But I know she would do anything for her family and she spoils all us grandkids rotten! My sister is spectacularly mental. I’m crazy in a random babbling general weirdness kind of way shes mental in crazy all night raver bordering on bipolar kind of way which is good when shes on your side but a fast track to hell if she isn’t I guess we have a love hate kind of relationship but for all the annoying stressful irratating things she does (&trust me theres alot) I’m glad to have a sister (most of the time)

3 My boyfriend – He drives me round the twist 90% of the time but he is lovely, sweet, thoughtful and loving if a little dim at times e.g.’ I was born in February he was born in May so i’m the youngest’ yes he really did so say that & yes i do worry what our children would turn out like (I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed either) but either way after after nearly 5years together I still love him to bit & wouldn’t change him (although it may take some serious thinking if Jenson Ackles turned up)

4 My friends – I have 3 amazing close friends Robyn, Roseanne & Ashlea, a few good friends and alot of friends they are each great for different thing I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

5 My health – Apart from a cough & cold here and there I almost never get ill in the 3years I’ve been in my current job I’ve only ever had one day off sick . The only time I ever really feel ill is when it’s self inflicted by consuming far too much alcohol in a short period of time lol

6 My Car – My mini (Marnie) is my baby I could seriously could not live with out being able to drive because A) I am far far too lazy to walk & B) it gives me so much freedom & independence I don’t have to really on other people to take me places etc in short has giving me freedom.

7 Technology – WTF! would i do without my phone, laptop, TV, DVD player, Kindle etc, etc? I love the freedom of exploration it gives you to tune into another world see what other people are doing catch up with friends get lost in other worlds

8 Books & Reading –  I LOVE TO READ! This is my absolute favourite passtime the hours that can pass when you find a good book are endless I love almost all kinds of books my all time favourites will always always be the Harry Potter series, but I’m currently loving the Sookie Stackhouse books & my kindle opened a whole new world of books & authors I may never have read otherwise

9 Having a job – I may hate having a job at times ie 7am in a morning but I love that I don’t have to worry too much about getting some money or where my net pay check will come from there are so many things that I just wouldn’t be able to do if I didn’t work biggest example my upcoming holiday to Ibiza this year, going to Amsterdam on my birthday buying my endless supplies of make-up & clothes would not be possible if I didn’t work.

10 – Everything – This is past & present it’s easy to think back to times where things were so great or enjoyable & wish they’d never have happened I’m guilty of that alot but I believe everything happens for a reason & I don’t think I’d be who or where I am today if it wasn’t for those things whether who or where I am turns out to be a good thing all I know is I’ve had some great times, met some great people & earned some great memories & for every single one of those I’m thankful.
