I’m Engaged!!

Well after 5 1/2 years together I am excited and happy to announce that we’re (Me & Josh) now engaged!

He proposed Sunday 19th May 2013.

I wont got into too much detail I’ll just give you the short of it if you’d like the fully story just leave a comment & I’ll do it in my next post

On one knee with my friends & family around 🙂 It was so sweet & I honestly had no idea & being the usual me (classy as ever) actually shouted “OMG whats happening?” when he dropped to one knee but the long & the short of it is I SAID YES!

& Boy oh boy did he put a ring on it! I adore it it’s so different & completely unique (designed by himself)

I absolutely love it & couldn’t be happier I have the most amazing fiance! (I still want to say boyfriend lol)

 I’ve already turned into bridezilla & bought my first wedding magazine! I’ve also bought a scrapbook as I plan to a wedding scrapbook from the engagement, all the planning right up until the wedding which will hopefully be August 2015!
