This blog is over but don’t panic!

But don’t panic It’s not all over I just don’t have time to update this one anymore because my new blog The rings and other things

is taking up my spare time, that and the fact that even though i still have 22 months or 664 days (I know it seems ages but when i first got engaged It was 800 days to go!) left before I get married it takes up most of my spare time & all of my focus and attention is on that at the moment. I literally seem to have a one track mind if it’s not about weddings I can’t seem to focus and as you can see it’s been awhile since I updated or did anything on this blog, so after lots of umming & ahhing I’ve decided to end ’ve decided to end this blog and my Confessions Of A Nail Polish Addict blog and concentrate solely on The Rings & Other Things so from now on I will only be posting on there.

About The Rings & Things

At the minute this blog is mainly about planning my wedding but eventually it will expand to be about other things (I promise!) e.g. buying a house, married life, and hopefully (fingers crossed) having a baby. It’s definitely going to be more life & lifestyle related than this blog although I still hope to post some fashion things even if at the moment they are all wedding related. I also plan to get back in youtubing sometime in the near future but at the minute things are busy busy busy.

How to Follow my new blog

I know my new blog will not be every bodies cup of tea but If you would like to follow my wedding journey and everything inbetween I would really love it if you could follow me on The Rings & Other Things.

you can also follow via

Twitter @Thefloralbride



Thank you to all of you who have followed me on here I will be keeping this blog open till at least the end of the year then I will be closing it down for good so check out my new blog!


New Youtube Video! 15 weird Questions Tag

Hi guys I’m back & I’m live & kicking starting off with a new Youtube video (find my channel here)

I thought this tag was fun & decided to start back off easy so I hope you enjoy & subscribe I have lots more videos & blog posts planned

Also apologies for my unscheduled blog hiatus we’ll be back on track soon



Sponsor the Help For Heroes Charity – Mount Kilimanjaro Climb!

Hi guys I know it’s been FOREVER since I blogged anything & I promise to get back on it starting February with a surprise for all you loyal followers! But for now onto the main reason for this post….

I’m pretty sure most of you out there by now have heard of the UK charity Help For Heroes or H4H. If you haven’t heres a little bit of information

The charity Help for Heroes was launched in October 2007 in order to provide direct, practical support to wounded injured and sick Service personnel and their families. All the funds raised to date are either allocated or spent on the direct, practical support of those wounded in the current conflicts. To date, H4H has funded a variety of projects including the £8m Rehabilitation Complex at Headley Court, a new £3.5m treatment centre for Combat Stress, adaptive adventure training through the Battle Back programme and the creation of a £6m Quick Reaction Fund to support individuals in need.

The reason for this post is my boyfriend (Josh) is helping to raise money for them by joining their 2013 Mount Kilimanjaro climb in October! Here are some of the details of the charity climb….

Kilimanjaro Trek

Key Facts

We’d really appreciate it if you could help us raise & possibly beat his minimum target of £3,995! We are currently setting up charity events & fundraisers which I will inform you all of over the next few months but you can also sponsor him over the internet via… 

Please give generously this is all for a good cause!

if you are also interested in joining this climb please click here for more details.

( PS – I will be re posting this monthly throughout the year)

Photobucket & Josh 🙂

Wrap up warm it’s Christmas time…

I’ll admit it I am not winters biggest fan but one thing I love about winter (besides my birthday & christmas) is the lovely winter warmers they have out & something like this is perfect for a spot of christmas shopping…
Christmas shopping

River Island black jacket

River island

Black pants

River Island black bag

Knitted scarve
£20 –

River Island beanie hat


D.I.Y Studded Bag

Studs here, studs there studs studs everywhere! Or at least thats what it seems like these days almost every tops, jackets, dress etc.. has some form of studding on and this can bump up the price of items ridiculously high & I am guilty of buying into the trend with this Studded Topshop cardigan at £42.

Gorgeous and cosy as it is the studs are literally just glued on, something I’m pretty sure I could have done myself if I had any sense of control when it comes to spending.

I was planning on buying a new white bag for my holiday but I decided to get on board with the DIY studding and bought some studs from ebay & used an old bag from H&M that I had.


The studs I bought were the clip tie ones they were only 99p for 100 studs I bought 2 pack in 8mm & 12mm.

The studs have little pincer type grips on them that you use to push through the fabric then fold over to keep them in place. IMG_1682
After practicing & deciding how and where I wanted them placed it was pretty easy


 I decided to stud the front flap & the sides in a pretty simple pattern…


and heres the finished result…





I really like how it looks it makes the bag stand out a little more & it was so easy simple and cheap to do I would definatly reccomend trying it. I’m fraying some shorts that I plan to take on holiday at the minute & plan to stud them aswell so I may do a video on it.

Have you tried studding lately?


Stupid laptop

Another FYI post as my laptop has been in for repair since last Tuesday, I don’t get it back on Saturday hopefully so until then no videos or posts. fingers crossed this is the last time I have to send a MSG like this, anyway thank you for your patience Zoe xx

Colour Scheme Change (again) & new page.

Hallelujah I am back! I missed my laptop soooo much lol anyway I have a few posts lined up & a video uploading so heres just a little mini post as you can probably tell I’ve changed my colour scheme again lol, I tend to be a fickle person I absolutely love something one minute then the next I’m bored of it which is why this blog changes colours & looks so often. This is why I’ve decided to keep a log of how the blog changes over time, All the colour schemes will range around pinks, yellows & blues as the wordpress theme I’m using is called Dragon Fruit which has 3 themes in those colours.

I may go back to certain styles & colours from time to time but I like to change things to keep them fresh & interesting whenever the looks & colours change on the blog they will also change on Twitter & Youtube . feel free to let me know which have been your favourites, I’d love to find out :)…

Canary Fayre from the beginning….


This was the first design I had when I started this blog in April 2012. I liked the colours which is one of the main reasons this blog is named Canary Fayre because of the Canary yellow theme.


I currently have a thing for florals & bright colours so this background fit in well with that. I used this from around the end of May 2012.

Aswell as brights & florals I’m loving pastels and these big white & blue polka dots are so cute. This is my current theme which I started using on July 9th 2012.
