Just a little FYI…

I apologise for any grammer or spelling mistakes and general unprettiness in the post but i am writing this on my iphone. This is just a little post to let you know there won’t be any posts or videos until at least next Tuesday at the earliest, my laptop has had to go in for repair 😦 & writing a full blog post is not easy on an iPhone. Its only been gone 2days and I’m already feeling the strain I will still be twittering but I won’t be able to catch up on your lovely blogs and videos which makes me very sad now excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep
Much love Jelliebeans & please bare with me
Zoe x x


The winners of my 50 follower giveaway are….


The collection 1 winner is Katie Gillespie!


The collection 2 winner is lushlili!


The Collection 3 winner is Kelly!


Kelly is also the lucky winner of the extra lipstick!


All prizes will be posted out by the end of this week & A big THANK YOU to all those who entered!

I am now at over 100 subscribers! I will be hosting another giveaway at 25 youtube subscribers so if you are not yet following me on youtube you can subscribe here….


Quick Question Time – Blog or video?

I’ve been thinking about starting a youtube channel for awhile now if i can possibly produce a video in which I don’t look like a complete mental patient & can form sentences in the widely known form of the english language.

Anyway I have a haul post coming up & would quite like to do this in video form but let me know in the comments of your interested or not

Thanks 🙂


Gorgeous Sandals For Sale!…

I bought these sandals last weekend from Primark because I feel completely in love with them as they are stunning, but unfortunately in my eagerness I didn’t try them on properly & cut the tags straight off I have worn each of them once but they are definatly too small 😦 I have now bought them in a larger size which is great but I now have 2 pairs of sandals that I can’t wear….

These are both size 5’s or a european size 38

These are glitter & suede material & these are in a coral/peach colour with Gold Glitter.

You can bid for these here


These are also seude & glitter in black

You can bid for these here


These are on ebay at a starting bid of £3 but I am open to offers You find them on

Peach & Coral Sandals

Black Sandals


My 50 follower GIVEAWAY! CLOSED!

Well it’s finally that time! I have reached my goal of 50 followers! (59 at this point)

I’m so happy about this that I decided to treat you all to a giveaway.

Heres what I’ve been buying recently…




The colours are

1 – Baby Pink

2 – Autumn Bliss

3 – Biscuit

4 – Starlet

5 – Glamour Girl

6 – Rosie Loves

7 – Vixen

8 – Seduction

giveaway time

This giveaway will have 3 winners & one bonus winner & is open internationally.

So heres what I’ve got for you…


Collection 1


The colours are left to right are Baby Pink, Seduction & Biscuit. You can see swatches of all these colours above as I have duplicates.

All these lipsticks are completely sealed and have not been opened

Collection 2


Left to right the colours are Autumn Bliss, Biscuit & Lustre. You can see swatches of Autumn bliss & Biscuit above as I have duplicates.

All these lipsticks are completely sealed and have not been opened

Collection 3


Left to right Liquid Bronze & Biscuit. You can see a swatch of Biscuit above as I have a duplicate.

All these lipsticks are completely sealed and have not been opened


This lipstick is a bonus/extra because the seal has been broken but the colour is far too pale for me & will otherwise be thrown away. It has not been used, it is a pretty colour but would not go with my skintone. Anyway just note in your comment if you would like to receive it or not. The colour name is Barely Buff.


To enter this giveaway You MUST be following via




Like this post &

Leave a comment

stating which collection you’d most like to win with your, Twitter name, Facebook name, location & email address (if you do not feel comfortable leaving your email address on here you can email it to me via canaryfayre@hotmail.co.uk) so I can verify follows.

For extra entries you can also

Follow me on…



Tweet this giveaway

Post this giveaway on Facebook

Advertise this giveaway on your blog (If you do this you must leave your blog address in your comment)

This is an international giveaway, all products were bought by me with my own money I am not sponsered in anyway. There will be 3 winners picked at random this giveaway ends Friday 15th June and winners will be announced on the following sunday.

Good luck 🙂


These lipsticks can all be found on http://www.minerscosmetics.co.uk/ or you can find them on Ebay & Amazon

I’ve Reached 50 Followers!


OMG so excited this is literally me…

(I plan to adopt this kid at some point)

Ok so I understand 50 followers is not that big of a deal but it totally freaking is to me! Especially since my blog is just over a month old (1month & 7days to be exact). I’m sooo gratefull to all my followers!

At this point my current follower numbers are

WordPress 51

Twitter 37

Facebook 11

Total 99! 

You can also follow me via…



Independent fashion bloggers

My giveaway post will be up within the next few days! This will be my first giveaway & I am sooo excited, I hope you all enter it will be an international giveaway!


Hi Everyone!

Hi guys, well some of you may know me from Confessions Of A Nail Polish Addict & others may know me from Life In Leopard Print but this is my new blog as I am ending Life In Leopard Print & i was going to transfer everything but I decided on a fresh start with a new look this blog will be along the same lines as LLP but will hopefully be posted on more often. The name has no real meaning other than the theme colour will be yellow & canaries are yellow (sorry nothing deep & meaningful going on here).

You can also follow me via twitter & facebook



Anyway I hope you enjoy & follow my blog.


Follow my blog with Bloglovin