Wrap up warm it’s Christmas time…

I’ll admit it I am not winters biggest fan but one thing I love about winter (besides my birthday & christmas) is the lovely winter warmers they have out & something like this is perfect for a spot of christmas shopping…
Christmas shopping

River Island black jacket

River island

Black pants

River Island black bag

Knitted scarve
£20 – topshop.com

River Island beanie hat


Winter Wedding Guest

Well It’s getting to that time of year again with wedding and christmas coming up. I’m going to a Christmas wedding on the 22nd December so I’ve been trying to find some winter weather & weddin appropriate and I love this dress from Dorothy Perkins the colour are perfect.
Winter Wedding Guest

Dorothy Perkins pleated dress

Mango bolero jacket
$29 – mango.com

Dorothy Perkins black shoes

Debut bow clutch
$20 – debenhams.com

Deborah lippmann

What I Wore – Summer casual OOTD + video

I was not a happy bunny yesterday was my day off & it was forecasted to be hot hot hot again like the past 2 days but no! I opened the curtains & not a ray of sunshine in sight just ugly grey clouds as far as the eye can see bloody typical it’s hot again today now I’m back at work & is supposed to rain on friday (when I’m off bloody work again!) mother nature is cruel.

It was still warm so there was no need to break out the fur coat & UGG boots but it was still dissapointing but I have my fingers crossed for the weekend..

So instead of my happily anticipated summery outfit that is still sitting forlornly unworn in my wardrobe this is what  wore….




You can also watch on my youtube channel just search Canary Fayre or username jelliebeansays


Sheer Coral Blouse – New Look

White Vest Top – Matalan

Pale Blue Jeggings – Topshop (Buy them here)

Gold Gladiator Sandals – Dorothy Perkins

Beige & Coral bag – Topshop

Gold & coloured bracelets various stores

Face Collection 2000 lasting finish mixed with Rimmels wake me up foundation, Miss Sporty concealer,  Maybelline gel eyeliner, lips Rimmels Birthday Suit

What did you wear?


If I could have anything…

This is sort of like a tag so please feel free to do this on your blog etc just leave a link back. I just made this up really I was feeling a little down wishing I had more of this, less of that mainly want want want so I though i’d compile a list of what I want but what I’m thankful I’ve got.

If I Could Have Anything…

Id have hair like this…

I’d have eyes like this….

Id have skin like this…

I’d have a figure like this…

I’d have a house like this…

I’d drive a car like this…

I’d have a boyfriend like this…

Oh Jenson when will you be mine?

I’d have a job like this…

I’d have more of this…

I’d have less of this…

I’d have…

I’d live like this…

10 things I’m most thankful for…

1 My mum – Shes amazing I am so so so so lucky. She’s partial to the old wine & giving her too much can result in disaterous yet amusing conseqeunces e.g. Tenerife 2009 will never be forgotten,

2 My familyMy nan is a hoot & a half she’s at the age where she thinks she’s far too old to be beating about the bush so to speak & says things as she thinks them e.g. ‘Have you lost weight or is that a bigger jumper?’ or ‘Your hair looks nice have you brushed it?‘ luckily neither of these were said to me but I’m awaiting my appraisal & after nearly 5 years of me being with Josh she still insists on calling him Joss. But I know she would do anything for her family and she spoils all us grandkids rotten! My sister is spectacularly mental. I’m crazy in a random babbling general weirdness kind of way shes mental in crazy all night raver bordering on bipolar kind of way which is good when shes on your side but a fast track to hell if she isn’t I guess we have a love hate kind of relationship but for all the annoying stressful irratating things she does (&trust me theres alot) I’m glad to have a sister (most of the time)

3 My boyfriend – He drives me round the twist 90% of the time but he is lovely, sweet, thoughtful and loving if a little dim at times e.g.’ I was born in February he was born in May so i’m the youngest’ yes he really did so say that & yes i do worry what our children would turn out like (I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed either) but either way after after nearly 5years together I still love him to bit & wouldn’t change him (although it may take some serious thinking if Jenson Ackles turned up)

4 My friends – I have 3 amazing close friends Robyn, Roseanne & Ashlea, a few good friends and alot of friends they are each great for different thing I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

5 My health – Apart from a cough & cold here and there I almost never get ill in the 3years I’ve been in my current job I’ve only ever had one day off sick . The only time I ever really feel ill is when it’s self inflicted by consuming far too much alcohol in a short period of time lol

6 My Car – My mini (Marnie) is my baby I could seriously could not live with out being able to drive because A) I am far far too lazy to walk & B) it gives me so much freedom & independence I don’t have to really on other people to take me places etc in short has giving me freedom.

7 Technology – WTF! would i do without my phone, laptop, TV, DVD player, Kindle etc, etc? I love the freedom of exploration it gives you to tune into another world see what other people are doing catch up with friends get lost in other worlds

8 Books & Reading –  I LOVE TO READ! This is my absolute favourite passtime the hours that can pass when you find a good book are endless I love almost all kinds of books my all time favourites will always always be the Harry Potter series, but I’m currently loving the Sookie Stackhouse books & my kindle opened a whole new world of books & authors I may never have read otherwise

9 Having a job – I may hate having a job at times ie 7am in a morning but I love that I don’t have to worry too much about getting some money or where my net pay check will come from there are so many things that I just wouldn’t be able to do if I didn’t work biggest example my upcoming holiday to Ibiza this year, going to Amsterdam on my birthday buying my endless supplies of make-up & clothes would not be possible if I didn’t work.

10 – Everything – This is past & present it’s easy to think back to times where things were so great or enjoyable & wish they’d never have happened I’m guilty of that alot but I believe everything happens for a reason & I don’t think I’d be who or where I am today if it wasn’t for those things whether who or where I am turns out to be a good thing all I know is I’ve had some great times, met some great people & earned some great memories & for every single one of those I’m thankful.


My Natural Hair Video.

Hi guys, I thought I do a little video showing my natural hair I have very curly hair which tends to be frizzy when dry as I’m mixed race (my mum is white english & my dad is black carribean) I normally wear a weave or extensions but for now I’m going natural so I did this video to show you the everyday products I use on my hair….

The products I show in this video are…

Head & Shoulders Hydrating Smooth & silky

Loreal Elvive Smooth Intense

Schwarzkopf Gliss hair repair Liquid Silk Shampoo & Conditioner

Shockwaves Shine & Anti-Frizz Serum

Creme Of Nature Argan Oil Treatment

If any of you have any suggestions of products or ideas please let me know either on here or my youtube channel.


Sales Haul Video!

So after 3 attempts I finally managed to upload this video 3rd time lucky as they say lol so here my newest video another haul! (I’m a shopaholic)

If you havent already subscribed to my youtube channel you can click here or find me via searching my username Jelliebeansays or Canary Fayre.

I hope your enjoying my little venture into youtube because I am 🙂

Let me know what video you would like to see from me.
