I’ve Been Nominated!

I’d love to thank YesPrettyPlease for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award! I glad you thought of me!  This is my first nomination on this blog as I have only been doing this for abit I have done this awar on my other blog Confessions Of A Nail Polish Addict & I’m excited that I get to it here also! Here are the rules…

1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging (or whose blogs you enjoy most).

2. Let them know that you have nominated them.

3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

4. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

7 facts about me: (I did this post on Confessions Of A Nail Polish Addict so If you would like to read some of those facts click here)

1. I’m a Nail Polish Addict I currently have over 140 bottles

2. I’m a room supervisor in the baby room in a nursery they are so freaking adorable!

3. I have a boyfriend called Josh we’ve together for almost 4 & a half years 

4. I’m terrified of slugs just thinking about them gives me the shivers

5. I’m an avid believer in all things supernatural (I think my Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail)

6. I drive a Red Mini One called Marnie (shes my baby)

7. I’d love to do youtube videos but I hate how I sound

My 15 nominated bloggers

1. http://sheheartsthehighstreet.co.uk/

2. http://stylegirlscout.wordpress.com/

3. http://allthingsvintage1.wordpress.com/

4. http://pumpkincat210.wordpress.com/

5. http://2012fashionfanatic.wordpress.com/

6. http://jewelryandothershit.com/

7. http://beautybyjenny.wordpress.com/

8. http://theclassyanarchist.wordpress.com/

9. http://makeupmutt.com/

10. http://sianiessparkles.wordpress.com/

11. http://beautyandbrainsblogger.wordpress.com/

12. http://princesagr.wordpress.com/

13. http://cupcakesandmisanthropy.wordpress.com/

14. http://selfprofessedproductobsessed.wordpress.com/

15. http://theurbanempress.wordpress.com/