One Lovely Blog Award & Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Before I start this post I just want to thank the people who voted on y last post & I am currently uploading my very first youtube video! (it’s taking FOREVER! 12hours it predicted!) It will be posted on here but you can also subscribe to my channel at Canary Fayre Youtube.

 Anyway I’ve been lucky enough to be nominated for The One lovely blog award & Very Inspiring blogger award by Love Lemon Lace 


The rules for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and One Lovely Blog Award are:

*Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.

*Share 7 things about yourself

*Nominate 15 bloggers you admire

*Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

7 Things About Me

1. I’m half human half magpie if my obsession with Jewellery & all things pretty & sparkly is anything to go by

2. I’m addicted to youtube!

3. I want a puppy & a kitten & will call them Tea & Toast

4. I’m a nail polish addict & buy nail polish ALL them time I have around 200 polishs atm

5. I easily impressed & get obsessed with things easily its currently, jewellery, nail polish, lipstick & candles

6. When I was 19 I had a boob job & I’ve never been happier!

7. I’m really really untidy (I can’t help it)

15 Nominated Bloggers

(Well thats the theory but 15 is alot to think of all at once so they will be added as & when)
